Dear Alabu!My sweet little Asher has the most sensitive skin I've ever seen. We tried several "sensitive skin" soaps for babies, but this is the only one we've found that does not hurt his skin at all. We even use it to wash his hair. :-). Some great people run this company, so give their products a try. They'll ship it to you, or if you are local, you can go visit and pick it up. :-). Marcie (5/13)
Hello Alabu!
I was looking on the marketplace for a place to write a customer review of product/service and could not find one .... Glenn should fix that !!!
I am so happy that I found your product. I have had "skin problems" for about 10 years. Doctors can't figure it out but came down to controlling it with steroid cremes and using cetaphil soap and lotion only. That can be ok for most of body but not so great for the face. I have been using your Baby Me goat milk soap ... all over and the Replenish facial Moisturizer on my face and Shea body butter on the body. I have only been using for not quite 2 weeks but have found that I don't have to use as much of the steroid cream which is a great thing for me.
Your shipping was quick and comes with a personal thank you note... and your products are MADE IN USA !!!! YEA !!!
I will recommend your products to anyone. Thank you again. I ordered the "just olive oil soap" to try that too! Blessings Jean (4/13)
Dear Alabu!Thank you so much Alabu Skin Care for working with the non-profit Feingold Association to get your products listed in the Foodlist & Shopping Guide. Many people that have ADHD, PDD, Autism, Asthma & food allergies will be helped. You can learn more about the Feingold Program at Lisa (3/13)
Dear Alabu! I purchased Baby Me goat milk soap on the advice of a friend whose dog had severe skin problems and this product helped immensely. My vet had suggested oil bathes and this seemed like an easier and less messy way to go. I was skeptical that it would wash out easily but it did and left the hair silky soft (more so than with rinses for that purpose) My dogs allergies and dry skin are 1000% better!! I took the package to my vet for further recommendations for pets with dry skin. I am thrilled to find this works. My groomer had never use "a bar of soap" to bathe a dog, but was very impressed also. I also love it for my dry skin. I hope you will recommend it for using on people's furry children!! Sally (3/13)
Hi Alabu My husband purchased some of your products from the marketplace for Christmas this past year. I have always used natural products before (aveda & arbonne) and was amazed by how your products work on my sensitive skin! Just in your product descriptions, it really does make your skin feel smooth in a short amount of time! Along with my personalized note that I received with my gift was also a large variety of samples! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I believe what I fell in love with was the replenish?! It was a clear serum like consistency. Is that the product that was included in my samples? If it wasn't for my husband, Tim, who admires Glenn Beck more than I can explain, I would have never been introduced to your wonderful, natural line of products. From a shop-local, NY sate and USA made shopper, female - small business owner- thank you! Nicole (3/13)
Dear Alabu! I just wanted to personally say Thank you for the prompt service and the personalization you guys added to my delivery. I did my first purchase through amazon but now I will just go through your website, it is so much faster and the samples are awesome and I will get a few of them on my next order! Thank you Maryclaire for the lovely note and Dean for packaging my order with care! Lauren (3/13)
Dear Alabu! Thank you for your handwritten note and samples! I am so happy to have found your products via Glenn Beck and The Blaze. This was my second order andI adore everything I've tried. Plus, I really appreciate the extra thought you give to make the customer experience such a delight. Lori (3/13)
Dear Alabu! After seeing your advertisement on The Marketplace/Glenn Beck, I placed a first-time order. I received my products in the mail today and was immediately impressed; even by the "spa" aroma that was given off by my envelope! And the handwritten note! You guys show an excellence in customer service that so many have sadly forgotten. Thank you! I can't wait to try my products! Kelly (3/13)
Dear Alabu! The Gift basket you sent my Mother was wonderful, so soft, everything so natural feeling, she loved it. Thank you P.S. so did I. Elizabeth (2/13)
Hello Dean,
Can you please tell me when does the 25% off coupon expire??? I hope I can be able to wait until after the first of this coming month!
I absolutely LOVE your Replenish Facial Moisturizer with Squalane!!!
I have looked for over 3 years to find a truly scent-free Squalane oil again!!! When I was first introduced to SO several years ago, I immediately fell in love! But after purchasing it for some time I noticed that the quality had changed. The oil was heavy and just sat on my skin! And every brand I tried all smelled the rubber! Since I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, my nose picks up the slightest smells.
So I sought different product after product and came to the conclusion that the manufacturing of the oil or the quality had changed and was about to give up looking. Then I saw your product and decided that I would try one more time.
WOW! This is the quality of Squalane that I had been missing and my skin just drank it in! It was the light and moisturizing oil I remembered! After just a few days use my skin is glowing again and the issues I was having by lacking this precious oil are fading away.
Please don't ever stop producing this oil exactly as you have! I will be a lifelong loyal buyer of it, I promise that! THANKS so much for making a truly wonderful and awesome quality Squalane Oil! ~Kelly (2/13)
Dear Alabu! Thank you for the great products, wonderful service & especially the special personal touches! Have a great week! Sandy (1/13)
Dear Alabu! I'm loving my Alabu products! Tried your facial moisturizer sample and I'm hooked - used the whole sample pack on my face before bed and in the morning - walla - woke to a rested face! Also my Dad has very sensitive skin, your goat soap is just what his fair skin needed. Thank you for making these mild, natural products - and Made in America is important to me also. Barbara (1/13)
Dear Alabu! I recently placed an order with you for some Christmas gifts for my mother-in-law. Not only did you ship them out super quick, but you also added some samples, a free lip balm and a free soap holder, not to mention a hand-written thank you note! I can't thank you enough for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I was actually having a pretty rotten day, and your shipment turned the whole day around. Thank you so, so much. I will be making many more orders through you for all the gifts I need to send.Thanks again! Amanda (12/12)
Dear Alabu! I am responding to MaryClaire's thank you note that was enclosed with my recent order of Alabu soaps and lotions.
Thanks very much for your note. I was pleased to receive my order so quickly. Everything arrived in perfect condition.
It has been years since I purchased from Alabu, and I was very pleased to see the fine website and the nicely designed packaging for the soaps. I think your company was just beginning when I first purchased soaps from Alabu. The soaps were just wrapped in paper, and there were no nice shea butter lotions. I am pleased to see how your company has prospered and grown and glad to have a variety of products to choose from.
The fact that you take the time to hand write a note to your customers says a lot about how you value them and their business.
Best wishes for your continued success and for a great holiday season. Sincerely, Gloria (12/12)
Dear Alabu! I love your products!! Your support staff is wonderful!! I talked to Hal (AL) the other day and he was so very nice, it was a pleasure to talk to him!! Thank you, as well, for the extra bar of soap in my last order and the samples!!! I really appreciate them!! You have great customer service!!! Have a blessed day!, Johnnie (12/12)
Hello Alabu! Just wanted to thank you for the prompt order and especially for the samples. I SO appreciate when a company includes such items, to familiarize us with products that we might not otherwise try. And I have to say, yours did not disappoint so I am excited about placing another order.
I love, love the roll-on facial moisturizer. What a brilliant & convenient idea! And I was so pleased to find that your soap really did what you claimed it to do. Shocking as well as delicious :-) Also, altho I had to use way more than recommended of the sample lotions (my 'mature' skin is especially dry) your formulations are the first that kept my hands hydrated for longer than 15 minutes; the lip balm performed better than its promise, too. Now, when does THAT ever happen?!! Thank you for terrific products, fair shipping and gracious service! Most sincerely, Deborah (11/12>
Dear Maryclaire: I am very impressed with your service. My product arrived sooner than I had expected; it arrived in 4 days, that's from NY to TX. I appreciate the samples of your product you have enclosed, I've already tried some of them and I'm eager to try the remainder of your products. I, also, enjoyed your enclosed thank you note; nice touch.Colette (11/12)
Dean Alabu: I just received my order. I have now been a customer for a couple of years. This is my only soap and facial care. Your products are pure and beautiful. In this last order I received a lovely note from Hal and I had to let you all know how much I love your product and your business ethic. Thank you for being peace & purity in this world. Best Always, Annette (11/12>
Dear Alabu:I just wanted to say thank you….We love your lip balm! In this dry mountain weather we have in Colorado its hard to keep our lips from cracking….but your product has been a God-send…Thank you again!!!!Sincerely, Mary Jo (11/12)
Dear Hal: I just want you and everyone involved with filling my order to know that, I am very pleased with how quickly I received everything. I am also very pleased with your product. And I thank YOU all for the special attention, like the personalized thank you card and the free lip balm you enclosed. I don't think I have ever received a thank you card such as the one you sent. I appreciate it very much. I love the lip balm! I am happy to be ordering from people such as yourselves and I am loving the fact that, your product is made right here in the good old U.S. of A!!!! I will, for sure, be ordering again in the near future. You have something to be very proud of.Sincerely,Suzanne (11/12)
Dear Alabu: I just wanted to say how pleased I was with the promptness and packaging of the order I placed last week for two bars of soap. The order arrived in a very timely manner and included an informative brochure about the products as well as an unexpected free lip balm and numerous samples which was a nice surprise. The handwritten thank you note acknowledging my order was a very nice touch and definitely speaks highly of the quality of your company and length to which you go to ensure customer satisfaction. The soaps smell wonderful, and I can't wait to use them. I will definitely be spreading the word among family and friends to checkout your website to consider ordering some quality skin care products. Kathy -Gonzales, TX (10/12)
Dear Alabu: I have been using your soaps for over a year now and wanted to thank you for such a wonderful line. Most of my family members have either sensitive skin or eczema issues and we have all been using your soaps with no problems. The soaps are so gentle as well as moisturizing, and the most dramatic difference is felt during the winter months when dry skin seem to reign, but not with Alabu soaps of course. My personal favorite is the Buttermilk. I was wondering if Maryclaire would consider adding a single note lavender essential oil to this wonderful buttermilk formula? Thank you so much for all your hard work in providing such quality soaps and excellent service for folks like us. Fanny - New Hyde Park, NY (7/10)
Dear Alabu:I started using your product this weekend and I'm loving it!!!! my hands are sooo much better and the feel is awsome!! Love, love, love. Thanks a bunch!!! Rineta - Newport, NC (6/10)
Dear Alabu:I love this product. It is the only thing I can use on my aging and very sensitive face. I use it in the morning and at night before bed -it has really helped to keep my face hydrated. All other beauty products seem to just cause a rash of some sort. This product is so pure - it just keeps my face soft and healthy. My hands too! Thanks Jeanne -Elkhorn, NE (6/10)
Dear Alabu:Just to say I received your wonderful products and they are the best soaps ever. So gentle and an area on my leg which has always been itchy and dry has completely cleared up. As postage is so expensive from the states to Uk I will now be on the hunt for something nearer home, but I suspect I will still be ordering from you!!! The smells are so lovely and I have left all the soaps in the box so I can have a lovely little sniff and love it. Thanks for your excellent service and making such excellent soap. Nina -UK (3/10)
Dear Alabu:Thank you so much for these products! I cannot believe what a difference this soap makes !!!!! Josey - Niskayuna, NY (2/10)
Dear Alabu:Thank you so much! I love your products - you are the best! Patti - Poland, ME (2/10)
Dear Alabu:I can't imagine my life continuing without your THE BEST skin care on earth ever! I spent thousands of dollars to fix my sensitive skin and Alabu did it. I use your olive soap to wash my face then follow with baby me oil. Such great results! Love it and thank you! Beli - Atlanta, GA (2/10)
Dear Alabu: Thank You! Love your soaps...received a couple of samples while on a Christmas Festival in Boston. MA... Keep up the great product!!! Milly - Leominster, MA (1/10)
Dear Alabu: Thank you!! Every year about this time, my skin is itchy, really itchy, due to the winter months. I haven't scratched once since I started using your soaps. I saw you at a craft fair in 2008, and have been using them ever since. I have given them to my friends for holiday gifts, and they have loved them. I only wish you had a body lotion. Have a great New Year.! Lisa - Memphis NY (1/10)
Dear Alabu: Thank you so much for your wonderful baby face oil. Recently, my skin has felt thin and dry with small lines forming. I spent a good bit of money trying various commercial mosturizers formulated for sensitive skin. All irritated my skin and none mosturized effectively. Then I tried your baby face oil. It feels wonderful, immediately soothes my skin, absorbs well, works great at night and under makeup, and, after just a week, my skin looked amazing -- soft and supple with a healthy glow. THANK YOU!!! Joann - Pembrooke Pines, FL (1/10)
Dear Alabu: THANK YOU for your wonderful customer service! I am SO very impressed. One would think that service like this would be the "norm" but it isn't and what you've done stands out. That's both great and sad at the same time, you know what I mean? Anyway, thanks again and I will be ordering more products and sharing with friends. God bless, Laura - Columbus, IL (1/10)
Dear Alabu: Thank you so much for your wonderful baby face oil. Recently, my skin has felt thin and dry with small lines forming. I spent a good bit of money trying various commercial mosturizers formulated for sensitive skin. All irritated my skin and none mosturized effectively. Then I tried your baby face oil. It feels wonderful, immediately soothes my skin, absorbs well, works great at night and under makeup, and, after just a week, my skin looked amazing -- soft and supple with a healthy glow. THANK YOU!!! Joann - Pembroke Pines FL (1/10)
Dear Alabu: Thank you very much! I've tried several different varieties of your essential oil soap, and the lemongrass is the best one for my face. I love it. Rachel - Lancaster, PA (1/10)
Dear Alabu:I have tried your product and have been delighted with the results. My skin is very dry, more so in the cold weather, this product is wonderful and soothing. Patricia - Nashua, NH (11/09)
Dear Alabu:After letting my wife try the soap, she loves your products... now we will be using the soap for our newborn... Thank You. Shawn - Prairie Du Chien WI (10/09)
Dear Alabu: Your shaving soap is THE BEST I have ever used. Smooth as silk! I'm an Italian guy in my 50's, so I guess I don't have to tell you how important shaving cream is to a man of my description. Your shaving soap saves me from having to run out to the store every week or so to buy some nasty product from Proctor and Gamble with more chemicals in it than I can decipher. EVERYONE should give up the commercial shaving cream habit and buy the ALABU shaving soap. God Bless Those Goats! Micheal Micheal - US Armed Forces (9/09)
Dear Alabu: I received my 1st order of your soap today! I ordered sat and got it in Chicago Wed. I have been using various goat milk cold process soaps for the last year. I have ordered from many soap makers! I have to tell you after using your soaps tonight I will never switch! The "Rich" bar and the lilac goat milk are to die for. We were out in the hot sun all day and had parched skin, what a treat!!! No lotion required. My 12-year-old son said to me, "Mom, why does this soap smell like the bushes at Suzy and Pop's? It smells so good! A 12-year-old boy wanted to know why the soap smelled like his grandparents lilac bushes! That's some positive feedback! Thank you so much for such a lovely product. Cold process the gold standard of soap making, no water added and one ounce of goat milk. What attention to quality. I truly do not know if other people make a product as superior as yours. I cannot wait to try your other fragrances. Thank you so much I am very happy new customer. The lather is delightful and the fast shipping and excellent customer service and quality of product has just gotten you yet another lifelong customer! Sarah S. — Chicago, IL (8/09)
Dear Alabu: My order arrived full of fragrances..I love the Lilac! Thanks for your speedy processing. Mary - Brooklyn, NY (6/09)
Dear Alabu: LOVE IT! LOVE IT! You were right---I need the portable forms as well! My skin conditions are well under contol after only a few weeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Beth - Cohoes, NY (6/09)
Dear Alabu: These products are so awesome for my very sensitive skin! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Marla - Moriarty, NM (4/09)
Dear Alabu: Hi Guys, I have the most sensitive skin on the planet and can only use goats milk soap. I have tried others but none has made my skin feel like your soap!! Alabu is the best by far and makes my skin softer than it has been in years. Sara's soap is my favorite by I love the baby me too. Can't wait to try more. Also I have always loved goats and had one myself when I was a child so I love seeing the photos of your goats and reading the news about them. Thanks and best wishes to you and family. Marlene - Pittsford, NY (4/09)
Dear Alabu: thanks so much for making such great smelling high quality soaps! I will be a customer forever. the lemon seed scrub soap makes me feel so fresh and clean. thanks from customer April - Altamonte Springs, FL (5/09)
Dear Alabu: Thank you, thank you, thank you! My Rosacea thanks you, also. The Baby Face Oil is one of the only moisturizers I can put on my face that doesn't irritate it. I think my skin just drinks it in. Michelle - Burgaw, NC (4/09)
Dear Alabu: I just wanted to thank you for my unscented soaps--not only did the order arrive very fast but the soaps are wonderful!! i know i will be ordering again!! many thanks, Shirley - Poughkeepsie, NY (3/09)
Dear Alabu: Thank you so much for your wonderful products. I LOVE the Baby Face Oil. My skin feels soft and silky all day long. The Tea Tree and Neem soaps along with the Tea Trea lotion are bringing a lot of relief to my hands and feet so now I thought I would try the shea butter lotion and a couple of the guest soaps. Your products are SO GENTILE! Penny - North Tonawanda, NY (1/09)
Dear Alabu: Just wanted to let you know I have fallen in love with your soaps and other products. Just before Christmas I stumbled across your sight online in search of soaps for sensitive skin. I bought one scented soap and one unscented soap. Even the scented soap does wonders for my skin. They lather so well and provide much moisture and don't irritate my skin at all. I also purchased your roll on moisturizer and tea tree lotion stick and they do wonders for my dry skin. I have just received my second order of soaps and can't wait to try out my new scents. I don't know what I ever did without Alabu! Thanks so much! Jennifer - Franklin, VA (1/09)
P.S. I also wanted to compliment you on your website. It is one of the most user friendly sites I've seen (makes ordering super simple). Whoever designed it did a great job.
Dear Alabu:I love your product! I am allergic to anything moisturizing... but I can use your shea butter stick for everything from my lips to my knees, without a breakout! Thank you! Katherine - Ottawa, Canada (12/08)
Dear Alabu:Happy Fall!!! Hope you and your family are all well. We still love your soap. We take it on trips with us because we refuse to use anything other kind. Take care. Karen - Ligonier, PA (10/08)
Dear Alabu:Thanks so much for your prompt reply! My daughter and I just LOVE your product! (Who wouldn't!) We first came to learn about Alabu soap from the article that was posted in the Times Union a while ago. I think supporting smaller businesses (that wasn't an insult; I mean smaller than large corporations) is crucial especially considering our economic status in our country. Kathy - Latham NY (9/08)
Dear Alabu:I love the Lavender Mint scent and Lemongrass has become my husbands new fav. Thank you for coming up with great new "flavors" to try out! Heather - Saint Paul, MN (9/08)
Dear Alabu:Just to let you know---i sooooo much enjoy your pictures especially the ones on this newsletter. i just want to get up out of my chair and take a walk down that lane and sit and read on your bench, pet your animals, etc etc my grandboys also enjoy the pics of the animals sooooo much. they can't wait for me to get them open. keep sending them. Jennie - Houston, TX (9/08)
Dear Alabu:My military husband and I greatly enjoy ordering your soap as we run out. It is that time again. Thank you for your wonderful products! Jane - Mountain Home, ID (8/08)
Dear Alabu:I absolutely love the lemon scrub soap. I recently ran out and had to make a stop at a local shop to pick up some more. It is great for not only garden cleanup, but also works wonders for garage cleanup. It cleans without drying out our skin. I hope you would consider making this a regular scent. Rosalie - Amsterdam, NY (8/08)
Dear Alabu: Still lovin' your soap and happy to have been using Alabu soap for a year now!! :) Polly - Uncasville CT (8/08)
Dear Alabu: How about a great alcohol free shampoo and conditioner? Your products are awesome. I'll never use another soap on my face again - ever. Thanks for the heads up on the price increase - it's shows the great integrity of your company. And is much appreciated as budgets are getting tighter for everyone. Love your newsletters as well- I actually read yours. Wishing you great continued success in your business! Jodi - Mechanicsburg, PA (7/08)
Dear Alabu: I really like your soap from my first trial - I'm hooked! Thanks for a great product. Patricia - Broadalbin, NY (7/08)
Dear Alabu: Thank you so much for trying to find the pink grapefruit oil. I am still looking for you also. We love your products I have had skin problems all my life. I am 54. I have used everything from creams/lotions to floating oatmeal in the tub. Nothing has worked until now. I love you. Cindy - Fort Smith, AR (7/08)
Dear Alabu: You have great high quality soaps!! Thanks form a long time customer. April - Altamonte Sprints, FL (6/08)
Dear Alabu: My family and I have been using your soaps for about 2 weeks and they are truly the BEST! My skin feels and looks so much better. My children and my husband have also noticed the difference. They love the scents and gentleness of the product. My youngest son and I seem to be allergic to most commercial gels and soaps out there. After using your product, we discovered our skin did not itch or break out in a rash. We're hooked and won't use anything else. By the way, I love your web site. It is so easy to place orders. The soaps I received were very well packaged too. Thank you. Lisette - Naples, FL (5/08)
Dear Alabu: Thank you! My order had arrived in safe:) I always love your soap, makes my bathtime happy Yuko - Tokyo, Japan (4/08)
Dear Alabu: I love your soap and recommended it to a friend who was having severe reaction to medication...her skin was so read and within 2 days of using your soap she was already getting great relief!! Thanks much! Linda - Gloversville, NY (3/08)
Dear Alabu: Hello - I was amazed and very pleased to receive my order yesterday - 3/11/08. I used the Baby sampler this morning - very nice. My skin felt refreshed and nice and soft.
I am looking forward to trying the others and do plan on placing another order very soon.
Again, thanks for the wonderful product and wonderful service. Cindy - Delanson, NY (3/08)
Dear Alabu: Thank you for the best winter I've ever had with my skin. The goat milk soap leaves my skin so soft, I only use a little lotion stick where needed. I gave my dad 4 big bars of your soap for his birthday - and he said oh good, my favorite soap! ( I had given him some small sample sized soaps to try) I owe him a tea tree lotion stick, though, because my daughter found it first and started using it before I could give it to him!! My only wish would be for a liquid hand soap to keep by the kitchen sink! Susan - Uniontown, OH (2/08)
Dear Alabu: Products are my new passion!!!! Cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have discovered Alabu!! Peggy - Saint Louis, MO (2/08)
Dear Alabu: I drove out to the farm from work today and bought some things for me and for my friends and for my family. I have the baby soap all ready to mail to my grandsons tomorrow. I packaged the farewell rose soap for my friend at work. My sister is anxiously awaiting her bar when I see her this week. The samples I was given are packed with the extra brochures to pass out at work tomorrow. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I intend to post another note of praise when my skin improves. I'm very pleased to hear that your products will be in Wild Thyme Whole Foods. Very sincerely impressed so far. Karen - Ballston Spa, NY (2/08)
Dear Alabu: This is such a great soap. I'm happy I found you. My rosacea is much improved for which I'm very grateful. Marcia - Lancaster, PA (1/08)
Dear Alabu: Your moisturizing stick is wonderful! Tried a small one, but now am buying the larger size. Gale - Akron, OH (1/08)
Dear Alabu: Thank you so much for making such wonderful soap!! I have tried other homemade soaps and none compare to yours.Lathers so well and smells just right. It is THE BEST! I love it and enjoy your newsletters. I am so glad I found you. Lisa - Early Branch, SC (1/08)
Dear Alabu:I love your website! I found your products because of your magazine article that you started as a science project. What a wonderful business you started! Good luck. I plan to visit often. Donna - Randolph, NJ (12/07)
Dear Alabu: I love your website. My sister Laura has been telling me about your company and the soaps for sometime. Keep up the good work. God Bless. Evelyn ? Tulsa, OK (12/07)
Dear Alabu: Let us give praise and thanks to our good Lord for goats. Larry - Glendale Heights, IL (12/07)
Dear Alabu: I've been using your soap for about two years now and I have been telling everyone I know how great it is so I decided I'd buy my friends and family your soap for Christmas so they can experience the greatness of it too. Thanks for the awesome products. They are truly amazing! Kristin - Columbus, OH (12/07)
Dear Alabu: I ran out of Alabu, and so I thought that I would run to the mall and pick-up something fancy. My son and I went to a place that sold dead sea salt soap. I figured, the soap is clear, it must be good. We talked to the lady and I bought some. The one thing that my son said as we were walking out was, "Why would anyone want to use soap that can only be used on the body and not the face?" Well, we used it for a couple of weeks and my son's itchy skin came back. We realized that we needed to go back to the Alabu soap. I got my shipment in no time and my son ran upstairs and literally threw the other soap in the trash. Cynthia - Houston, TX (12/07)
Dear Alabu:Thankyou for offering such a wonderful product. Part of this order is for a friend who is suffering from excema. I shared the Olive soap with her and she was pleasantly surprised at the results Denise - San Diego, CA (11/07)
Dear Alabu: Many years ago, my husband from Ireland told me about goat milk soap and I thought it was just another myth. My atopic dermatitis was excruciating it was like having poisen ivy 24/7. The quality of my life was ....... because like every woman I am vain about my skin. My dermatologist was astounded when I saw him last night. I don't have to see him again for 6 months. I have been going to specialist's since I was 12 and now am 60. Your soap is a godsend. thank you so much. I wouldn't be without it. Frances - Middle Island, NY (11/07)
Dear Alabu: I work at World Help and recently got the letter to your child with a couple soaps. I have dry, sensitive skin so I thought I'd check out your website. I was impressed. I figure, why not try it out and help one of our sponsor's business in the process? Thanks for all you do! Rachel - Lynchburg, VA (11/07)
Dear Alabu: I have moved to Arkansas. We love it here. It is so quiet and friendly. That's something you do not see in California. I was born and raised in California. My Dad was raised here in Arkansas. So we bought a home and so did my parents. My sister is their caretaker, so she is here too.
We love Alabu soap. I will be 54 This Sunday. I barely made it through infant, toddler, child, teen, years. I was so sick with allergies my family and doctors thought I would not live.
Every time I shower I have to make it fast. The water even harms my skin. I have tried everything under the sun. All the products the doctors were testing I tried. From floating oatmeal to scrubbing the sores with liquid soap to take off the scabs. This turned out in breaking me out 30 X more. I went into the hospital for a month. They had no idea what was wrong with me. Well my grandpa had my mother put me on Skin Milk and Scott's Emulsion. I did much better. Still had skin problems through.
Anyway I tried your Baby Me and your Tree Tea Soap. Baby Me made my skin very soft. The Tree Tea actually stopped my skin from looking dry. I felt great. I did not have to lotion up. Which only works while the lotion is wet. So I am also trying your lotion stick this time. The other things ordered is for the hubby. He may be able to get away with the fragrance. We have been married for 23 yrs and we sit across the room from each other. :)
I love all of you and your products. God has surely shined his light upon all of you. Animals includes. Thank you so much.
Sincerely Dry in Arkansas. Cindy - Fort Smith, AR (11/07)
Dear Alabu: I really love your soaps! :) Yuko - Tokyo Japan (10/07)
Dear Alabu:I really love doing business with you all. Thanks for getting the orders out so fast-we are having a party this weekend and your soaps make the bathroom smell so good, not to mention that I tell everyone how great the soaps are.Thanks for everything. Mary - Menifee CA (10/07)
Dear Alabu:Ive been using you're shaving soap and brush for a few months now and I like what the soap has done for my face. I don't have a problem with reddening and sensitivity as I have had with other shaving gels and foams. Thanks for a great product. Steve - Florence, AL (8/07)
Dear Alabu:Your soaps are truly amazing! I use them on my face as well as my body and I rarely use lotion afterwards. I am and have been spreading the word about your wonderful soaps. I am a customer for life. Thanks so much. Grayce - Los Angeles, CA (7/07)
Dear Alabu:My fiance and I, have fallen in love with your wonderful soap! My fiance has very sensitive skin and for the last fews weeks of using Alabu's soap, his skin looks and feels healthy!! We will never buy "regular" soap again! THANK YOU so very much! We are hooked and I tell everyone about your products. Thanks! Best Regards Polly - Uncasville, CT (7/07)
Dear Alabu: I love your products especially the lilac bar soap. I have psorisis on my scalp and have been using it to wash my hair before I use my regular shampoo and it has helped tremendously! Thanks for the great products. Kristin - East Canton, OH (6/07)
Dear Alabu:Your soaps are really terrific! I tried other handmade soaps I bought online and yours are the best. Also, I receive them very promptly-not having to wait weeks like with some others. You have a truly great product. Mary - Menifee, CA (5/17)
Dear Alabu:I am very pleased with your soap products. Not only do they work well with my dry skin, but they make me feel special because my skin is so soft and baby like after using. I am amazed at your shaving soap. As a woman I felt a little silly ordering it for myself to use, but I had a gut feeling it would be nice. I love it. I find I don't have to shave as frequently since using it. My friends have loved the gift baskets I have sent. Thank you for making such quality products. I can't imagine using any other soap now. Have you thought about making a laundry soap? Wanda - Johnson City, NY (5/07)
Dear Alabu: I am in love with your products!!! I bought some soap just to try out and I loved the one that I tried and I gave the others to my friends - they have to check you out!!
I have been so pleased with the quickness of the shipments. I am so glad that I found you!! Shelby - Wichita, KS (5/07)
Dear Alabu:I've been a customer of Alabu since 2005, and honestly I can't even begin to describe how THANKFUL I am to have found your Company! Your products are incomparable, and your customer service is indescribable! I have to admit, I ran out of your soap on Thursday of last week, and, out of desperation, purchased a bar of soap from my local health food store. My son broke out in a, I placed an order from Alabu late Friday afternoon...and, was stunned when the Mail person walked in with it today (it's MONDAY)!! Thanks for the high quality service you provide to your customers! YOU'RE A GOD-SEND! Tammy - Santa Fe, NM (5/07)
Dear Alabu:Keep making Rich soap and Baby Face oil!! These products nourish, soften and comfort my mature, normal and sensitive facial skin in a very natural way. I tried the Monoi de Tahiti soap. It was excellent, but my skin preferred the Rich soap. I appreciate that both products are unscented. I use the Shea Butter Lotion Stick on very dry areas of skin, if needed. Note: I have tried other goat soaps and lots of other types of "natural products" with NO success. Thank you for all your hard work and "OUTSTANDING" products. Bonita - Tucson, AZ (5/07)
Dear Alabu:I can't say enough good things about your products, everything is excellent! Thanks. Gregory - Syracuse, NY (5/07)
Dear Alabu:Received my order....Fantastic products...You'll be hearing from me again. And thank you so much for your courteous and swift service! Sharon - Belton, TX (5/07)
Dear Alabu:I just love your soaps. I've tried various other "homemade" soaps, but none of them quite measured up. Not only are your soaps economical and last longer than regular soap, but the scents are wonderful and my skin has never felt better. I've even convinced my skeptic husband to try the soaps out; he suffers from very dry, sensitive skin and was amazed at how good your soaps are. All of my daughters follow in their father's footsteps of having skin problems. I sent each of them a basket of soaps to try out and they loved them.
I enjoy your site as well. It's easy to navigate, and I enjoy the down-home welcoming feel of it. I love the newsletters and look forward to all the photos. The babies are beautiful! Mimi - Chino,CA (5/07)
Dear Alabu:Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I received your soaps last week, and am extremely pleased with the quality. I get red bumps on my upper arms, and this has really cleared it up. This works as well as alpha hydroxy products, without the burning or irritation. The almond soap smells really nice too--I like it better than the fragrance free bars, even though I don't normally like scented products. The lip balms are also excellent. I have already told several people how pleased I am, so you may be getting some more orders in the future. Valerie - Alexandria, VA (4/07)
Dear Alabu:Just wanted to say again how very much I like your soaps. I am gong to try the lotion on this order. I have given some as gifts and am sure they will become customers also.
Your website is very user friendly, informative and I thoroughly enjoyed your newsletter. You seem like friends I have never met yet. Thank you again, Carolyn - Greensburg, PA (4/07)
Dear Alabu: This product is, by far, the most luxurious soap I have ever taken into my shower. I have noticed that since I have gotten older ( 54 ) my skin has been the driest it's ever been. These upstate New York winters have played a number on my skin but this soap seems to help a lot. Also, we have a 4 year old granddaughter that seemed to itch constantly this last winter so we gave our daughter a bar of your soap to use and Emily is now pretty much itch-free. Thank you, this is a fine product. Claire - Mexico, NY (4/07)
Dear Alabu:Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your products!! We have little kids and this is the only thing that works! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have tried others several kinds of organics and naturals and they just don't compare! The people in my mommy and me class were discussing natural products and I brought up you and told them how you had natural products,etc! Everyone was impressed!Thanks for offering your great products! Caitlin - Woodstock, GA (3/07)
Dear Alabu:I have been fighting dry skin for so long and have tried many types of soaps, goat milk and over the counter. Your soap has made a world of difference. Within the first three days I could feel a change and within a week my skin stopped itching. I am singing your praises to everyone I know. Connie - New Canton, VA (3/07)
Dear Alabu:I just wanted to let you know how happy my family is with our first order of your wonderful goat milk soaps. I am really amazed at the difference in the softness and lack of itchiness in my skin. My daughter is especially pleased because she had very dry and ashy elbows and now they are soft as can be. All this without even using any lotion! Now, of course, we are thoroughly spoiled and have no intention of returning to commercially made soaps. The labels on their packages actually scare me now that I have used the natural and gentle ingredients in the goat milk bars.
Since we plan to be regular customers, could you please tell me how one goes about receiving a coupon for future purchases? Thanks so much for making this outstanding product available to all of us! Sincerely, Note from Alabu: We offer coupons through our monthly newsletters. Look for it around the end of each month. Kathy - El Cajon, CA (3/07)
Dear Alabu:I was involved in a "Secret Santa" exchange and one of the things I found out that my recipient liked was floral soaps. I found Alabu in an internet search and since I also wanted all of my gifts to come from my home state, I was delighted to find the vast array of floral soaps in guest bar sizes, which meant I was able to put together a small sampler of 6 bars without breaking the bank. I also ordered a couple of bars for myself, the Frankincense and the Myrrh. I became an instant fan and so did my husband. I just completed my third order for myself. I have always had dry skin and have been using nothing but castile soap for years. I'm switching to Alabu goats milk soap for sure now. Thanks for a great product and super speedy delivery. Martha - Cortland, NY (3/07)
Dear Alabu:Hi, I received my try-out order yesterday and used your Cocoanut bath soap this A.M. I love the feel it gives my skin. I also ordered Baby Me and Buttermilk soaps. I may start taking two showers a day so I can order more. :-) I wanted to try the soap because I was getting tired of getting up in the night to use a back scratchier because of itchy dry skin. One of my daughters uses goat milk soap but I don't think it is your brand. I would like to give her a gift certificate so she can pick out whatever she wants, but don't see that available on your site. Can you let me know if it is possible to prepay and then let her pick out her order later? Thank you, Note from Alabu: Yes Gift Certificates are available. Search on the word "Certificate" and you will see it. Mary - Waterford, MI (2/07)
Dear Alabu:Just got my first order yesterday and wanted to let you know how much I love the products already. Because of the type of work I do (I am a bakery manager/cake decorator) I cannot wear gloves, so I am always sanitizing my hands and they are constantly going through the "wet/dry" cycle. Consequently, they become extremely dry and many times will crack, becoming very tender. Nothing I tried would replenish the lost moisture in my hands. I bought 2 of your Shea Butter lotion sticks (along with several bars of different soaps) and in a matter of one day my hands were soft instead of like alligator skin. I am sold! Thank you so much for the wonderful products. Betty - Kennewick, WA (2/07)
Dear Alabu:I continue to enjoy your beautiful products, and wonderful newsletters! Best wishes Jennifer - Fremont, CA (1/07)
Dear Alabu:I would not be able to survive the winter without your soaps!! Thank you for making an outstanding product!! Terri - Fredericksburg, VA (1/07)
Dear Alabu:Thank you so much for your excellent service! I ordered from three different soap companies last month and your soap arrived within a few days. The other two took about two weeks. And after all that waiting, I tried them all and your soap was the best. I'm now a huge fan and evangelist for your goat milk soap! Keep up the great work! Peg - Seattle, WA (1/07)
Dear Alabu:GREAT PRODUCT EVER!!!! Romana - Portland, OR (1/07)
Dear Alabu: Your web site is well constructed and easy to use. One of the best that I have used. Abraham - Marlborough, MA (1/07)
Dear Alabu:I received my order yesterday, and was extremely pleased with the promptness of shipping, and the packaging of the product. These soaps smell incredible, and lather better than any other handmade soap I've tried. I love the Maggie's Christmas soap and the Apple Spice. I'm so excited to have found Alabu!! Tara - Houston, TX (12/06)
Dear Alabu:I love your products - there are just so many of them that I want to try. If I did that I'd do nothing but bathe 24/7! Ginger - Austin, TX (12/06)
Dear Alabu:This is my second order. About five weeks ago I ordered a few bars to see if they would help my sensitive and dry skin that becomes a huge problem during the colder weather here in Minnesota. The soap helped so much that I no longer need to apply any body lotion! I have had to slather on body lotion each winter since I was a teenager. What a nice time saver!
I also (reluctantly) passed on a bar of Baby Me to my mom who also suffers from very dry skin. She really liked it and was so grateful to not have to use lotion. Now I need to order some Baby Me for me to try. I am also getting some soap for my mom for Christmas. I have been telling my friends about this soap. At first, I feel as though I am in one of those silly Alleve commercials when someone just happens to have a box of Alleve in their pocket, but I think they might like the soap, so I should tell them! At least I am not carrying around a bar of soap! Kathleen - Cottage Grove, MN (12/06)
Dear Alabu:I not only like your soap product, but your service is above average whether it is by telephone, e-mail, or your shipping. Thank You. Pam - Rockford, MI (11/06)
Dear Alabu:I received the soap and the baby face on the Monday following the mail out on Saturday. That is pretty quick from New York to southwest Mississippi. I just love it. It has been about 6 months since I had used goat milk soap on my face. I could tell the difference by Wednesday after I received the soap. I use the baby face at night. My face feels clean again and no irritation to my eyes. Thanks for your wonderful product. From this 52 year old southern grandma. Gwen - Woodville, MS (11/06)
Dear Alabu:I have tried your soap now for months now, my skin problem cleared up then and has been clear the longest it has been in years, I really think that using your goat milk soap was the answer to my skin problem, thanks Bob - Bethesda, OH (10/06)
Dear Alabu:Just to tell you - I LOVE your soaps, and the Lilac and Sweetgrass especially. It's not often that one picks up a bar of soap and just inhales for pure pleasure... SherrieGeo - Columbus, MS (10/06)
Dear Alabu:Your website has a terrific setup! Everything is very easy to find, order placement is a breeze, descriptions are VERY detailed, which is a HUGE plus! Can't wait to try the soaps, I'll be a first timer... Pax Christi, ya'll- Jackson - MS (10/06)
Dear Alabu:I am so happy that I found the Alabu Soap website. I love the product, the service, and the personal touch of the newsletter. I look forward to a long relationship with this company. Susan - Canton, MI (10/06)
Dear Alabu:I have spent a lot of money buying "natural" skin care products and being very disappointed. I found your web site and was encouraged by everything I read. My dry sensitive skin immediately appreciated your Rich soap. My skin felt like baby's skin. No skin eruptions, no irritation. The right type of moisture, gentle and the bar feels wonderful while bathing my entire skin. I like the shape. I appreciate the soap is unscented because some fragrances irritate my skin and I know some people are chemically-sensitive. Sometimes I wish it had an almond smell, but I am quite happy! Your service is great! Also, I like supporting a small family business. Thank you!!!! Bonita - Tucson, AZ (9/06)
Dear Alabu:Your Lemon Seed Scrub soap improves the condition of my skin. After I use the Lemon Seed Scrub I feel like I have been at a spa!! Thanks from customer April April - Claypool, IN (7/06)
Dear Alabu:My little Terrier, Daisy, was having terrible problems with her skin, so I decided to bathe her with Alabu soap. There is a noticeable difference. It lathered up very nicely on her, and made her smell great. I am not seeing the skin irritations anymore, and she can go about a week between baths. Joy - Humble, TX (9/06)
My Dearest Maryclaire:Thank you so much for your concern and extra Baby Me hand soap to try to help me with my itching. I am anxious to try the Neem soap. I am very impressed with the gift basket for my friend and neighbor. I cannot wait to give it to her. I hope she is as impressed as I am with your product. I have great Christmas ideas now too. Again, thank you Patricia - Dacono, CO (9/06)
Dear Alabu:The more I have used your products, the more I like them! I have also given the soaps and lip balms as gifts and everyone says how much they appreciate receiving and using them! Debbie - Castine, OH (9/06)
Dear Alabu:After using the soap after only one time on my 10 month old, his skin is so much softer. I really enjoy your product. Tamilyn - Pelion, SC (9/06)
Dear Alabu:I love your soap. I have purchased a ton of handmade soap, hoping to find a soap that does not burn my very sensitive facial skin. Your soap is one of the very few soaps that does not burn when I use it. Thanks for creating a soap with sensitive skin in mind. Kris - Orangeville, IL (9/06)
Dear Alabu:Not Fair! Just kidding but since the first time using your products I have been hooked. They are wonderful products and the whole family loves them. Keep up the good work. Gary - Orlando, FL (8/06)
Dear Alabu:I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy both your products and your newsletters very much. I look forward to ordering from you as your service cannot be beat and again, your products are WONDERFUL. I have printed out as much of your information from the web site as possible so that I can forward to my parents as they do not have Internet access. I was wondering if you ever put out a catalog for those people (minority these days, I know) that I could send them or have sent to them. Thanks and regards, Jane - US Armed Services (8/06)
Dear Alabu:After I used the 1st bar I ordered my skin definitely was no longer looking 'old' and dried up. Then a friend brought me a bar of olive oil soap from her trip to Italy. Once again my skin wasn't looking as good as it should. I went back to using your wonderful soaps and I'll probably never stop. Please kiss each and every one of those fantastic goats for me! Linda - Spring Grove, IL (8/06)
Dear Alabu:You guys are awesome.. I received my soaps today and what a wonderful surprise! My husband and son love your Bay rum soap... I will be ordering again... Excellent and fast service.. Thank you for your time. Martha - Mequon, WI (8/06)
Dear Alabu:My 10 year old son has been prescribed so many different creams and ointments over the years , most of which provided little relief. I have tried so many different soaps and lotions. I can't believe the response that my sons skin has had to your products. My intent was to have him use the soap, but the peppermint soap smelled so good, I decided to try it and now I'm hooked. Your soap deserves to on the shelves of everywhere soap is sold. I seriously look forward to seeing this happen, I am definitely a customer for life. Kim - White Plains, NY (8/06)
Dear Alabu:This is my second order, love your product. Have given many for gifts also. Joan - Castleton, NY (8/06)
Dear Alabu:No changes to the attached order - I just wanted to tell you that I love your merchandise, your fast service and your Newsletter - they are all appreciated very much! Jane - APO (8/06)
Dear Alabu: Both my wife and I enjoy your goats milk soap. I use the buttermilk soap for my face prior to shaving and have not had any ingrown whiskers since using it. My wife always experienced dry skin on her legs after showering but not anymore since using Alabu! She has started using the buttermilk soap as her facial soap now. Richard - Polo, IL (7/06)
Dear Maryclaire: I don't usually send messages, I just re-order your soap whenever I need soap. It's all we use. It works great in my Rainsoft water at home and in my yucky City water at my weekend home. As you know from my orders I love both the Frankincense and the Myrrh soaps. I usually get my order within 3 days of ordering. I have gotten my order 2 days from ordering, all the way from NY to FL! Y'all are great, keep up the good work. Karen - Tallahassee, FL (7/06)
Dear Maryclaire: I find it interesting that in March of this year I thought I had discovered the best soap made in the soaps I bought in Hawaii. A few months later I now know I was wrong. I have a mild case of Rosacea and as I tested the Hawaiian soaps I found a number that irritated the skin on my face. Later, as I searched the internet and tried handmade soaps from other soap makers here in the states, I found nice ones but I also ran into some that irritated my face. I haven?t tried all of your soaps although I am slowly working my way through them. None of them has given me any trouble at all and I am very pleased with the quality of product and the service you provide. I have found that my face feels really good when I wash my face with your soap - doesn't matter which fragrance - and then shave using your shaving soap. This seems to be a combination that can't be beat! Thanks for such nice products. Regards, Dennis - Manteca, CA (7/06)
Dear Alabu:I love your products! This winter, my face was dry no matter what I put on it. I tried several face creams before I finally found your website. Within a few days of using your soap and Babyface, my skin was on the road to recovery. I am recommending your products to everyone around me! Thanks- Regan - Winston Salem, NC (7/06)
Dear Alabu:Thank you for the wonderful soap. We all notice a difference in our skin whil using your soap. Thank you again. I enjoyed the sale :) April - Claypool, IN (7/06)
Hi Maryclaire:Nice to hear from you! This is the first time having my comments posted about soap! Because yours really works, and I?m so disgusted at the awful soap bars they have at the supermarkets and even some at pharmacies too. I also love the tea tree lip balm and the baby squalene oil! I wish you continued and more success and that you and your family are always happy and healthy! Its people like you who make a big difference to the world! Best wishes, Amal - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emerates (7/06)
Dear Alabu: I got your website info from a bar of soap that my mom gave me. I love your soap. My mom has given them to me before and they are a special treat! I am glad to have the website info so I can order for myself and gifts for friends. Thanks for a great product! Kim - Lima, OH (7/06)
Dear Alabu:My online order from 06/23/2006 was delivered on 6/29/2006. I want to thank you for the very quick delivery to Israel. I enjoy the soaps and the baby face oil and think they are great. I am looking forward to continue working with you. Best regards Adina - Holon, Israel (7/06)
Dear Alabu:Thanks for making such a wonderful soaps. I already received my package and I can tell they are premium quality. Keep it up!! Penelope - Hackensack, NJ (7/06)
Dear Alabu: I have just recently became interested in handcrafted soaps. Yours was one of the first I have tried. I have to tell you, out of 4 other companies, yours ranks superb! The others pale in comparison. I am sold on Alabu! God bless, your new found customer.... Monnelle - Columbia, SC (6/06)
Dear Alabu: Baby face Squalane oil is so naturally simple and wonderful, that it and my skin have become inseparable. I have ordered my second bottle and did not think twice. Thanks for your goat milk soaps. I have healthier skin. How about a pumpkin soap this fall? Mmm Thanks again. Kate - Amityville, NY (6/06)
Dear Alabu: Was just wanting to tell you that I bought a couple of bars of the green tea soap, With almost one half of the first bar gone my dry skin has gone away, my skin feels very soft now not the itchy skin that I had before trying your soap. I am amazed on how long the soap lasts and also the creamy lather that it puts out. I feel very clean after using it and I am very sure I know where my bath soap will come from now on. Many thanks to you. Bob - Bethesda, OH (6/06)
Dear Alabu: I am on my third order of soap. Love it! I enjoyed your last newsletter with pictures. I have never been to New York, and like others, I think of New York city. what a delightful place you live in! We are empty nesters, so I understand what you feel when your daughter leaves home. But... it gets so much better. those grand-babies down the line are a pure joy. Thank you so much for your products. Hope you have a wonderful summer. Teresa - Humble, TX (6/06)
Dear Alabu:Just a note to let you know, that your goat milk soap is the best quality of any others I have tried! Debbie - Castine, OH (6/06)
Dear Alabu:Thank you for your product. My two sons have had sensitive skin ages 14 mo and 3, and so I tried your baby me soft soap and it really cleared up there red patchy spots on their skin. Thanks again. Jackie - Fair Oaks, CA (6/06)
Dear Alabu:I received Alabu soap this morning. It is fast arrival! 4days. It is an order for the second. I love Alabu soap. Thank you. Makiko - Tokyo, Japan (5/06)
Dear Alabu:I have been using this product for about 5 months now and I can definitely notice the difference. Aspen - Lake Charles, LA (5/06)
Dear Alabu:Thought you'd like to know .... I've sent a gift to a friend of mine in Australia consisting of (like Mary Poppin's song) "A few of my favorite things". I included 3 bars of Alabu soap: Sandalwood, Rich bar, and Bay Rum. I'm anxious to hear if he likes your soaps as well as I do. Just thought you'd appreciate hearing how Alabu Soap is progressively traversing the planet. I'm hooked on the moisturizing bars, but I'm thinking a bar of Neem soap at the kitchen and bathroom sinks might be a good idea. Sheesh, after trying your moisturizing bars, I don't like using anything else. You've spoiled me! Thanks! Regards. Rosemary - Oak Grove, MO (5/06)
Dear Alabu:Love your soap. Thought I had lots on hand until my daughter and daughter-in-law found it!! They loved it. I gave them your web sight but I think they like getting it at my house! Julie - Littleton, ME (4/06)
Dear Alabu:Great products. This is my third order and there will be many more. Gary - Orlando, FL (4/06)
Hi Maryclaire: Thought I'd tell you I really like the Rich soap bar. You were right, the squalane oil is definitely a great carrier oil. I apply coconut oil or an herbal moisturizer after the shower, and there is SUCH a difference if I have first washed with the Rich soap bar first. Looking forward to trying the Shea lotion stick I've ordered. BTW, I'm even washing my hair with your goat's milk soaps. It's not quite the same as using a shampoo, but I think it's worth experimenting. I can see that your company takes customer service very seriously. The email confirmations, the prompt deliveries, and that hands-on 'quality is #1' attitude. It adds up to superior customer service. Have a great day! Regards, Rosemary - Oak Grove, MO (4/06)
Dear Alabu: Just another thank you for your wonderful products, and for the ease in using your web site. I was first introduced to goat milk soap at a fair in Georgia. I ordered, on line, from that company for a short time. When they experienced difficulties I turned to online web sites. Living in Ohio, there are not too many shops or fairs featuring good goat milk soap. None of them came close to my expectation until my first order from Alabu. You product surpasses all others. It is the only soap I use, and I give it as gifts to anyone I care about. Thank you. Margaret - Solon, OH (4/06)
Dear Alabu:I just wanted to let you know how much i love your soap. The web site is great and easy to use and the soap gets here fast. It is the best goat milk soap I have ever used. Thanks. Elizabeth - Memphis, TN (4/06)
Dear Alabu:I have really appreciated alabu products. I have sensitive skin and Alabu is just about the only soap that I can use without my skin being extremely itchy. Thank You very much for your GREAT product and your hard work. God Bless! Amanda - Albany, NY (4/06)
Dear Alabu:I am SO HOOKED on Alabu soap! : ) This is my 3rd order now, and am really enjoying this soap. I have always had the large pores and combination/leaning toward oily skin. But approaching my 5th decade now, my skin is beginning to be a bit more toward the dry side, especially my face. I LOVE the Rich soap (and read your wonderful tribute to Rich as well) and have found the Baby Face oil to be (surprisingly) WONDERFUL in restoring a balance. My skin is looking very nice again, instead of the usual "flaky/scaly" appearance that was getting to be common BEFORE I found you! Thank you for a wonderful product and for the excellent service I have received. It is a pleasure to have found the Alabu family - both the good products and good people! God Bless! Sincerely, Lynn - Panama City, FL (3/06)
Dear Alabu:I love your Oats-N-Honey soap. Everyone in my family ( even my husband), has noticed a difference in their skin. No more dry skin, even in Buffalo in the winter. Thank You! Kim - Orchard Park, NY (2/06)
Dear Alabu:Just wanted to thank you so much not only for making the Oat and Honey soap, but for making it so easily available. I have suffered from Seborrhea since I was a kid and this soap is THE ONLY PRODUCT out there that clears it up for me. This time of year is the worst for me since everything is so dry, and after using one bar of your soap (a stocking stuffer this past Christmas), the condition is almost completely gone! I can not possibly thank you more! I just ordered four more bars and I will be back for more. Kate - Cohoes, NY (2/06)
Dear Alabu:Your soap is excellent - what a difference over commercial soaps. I can shave with any one of them and get the smoothest shave. We have really noticed how hydrated our skin has remained in the winter. This is our third order which is all the testimony you need to know that your products are good! Thanks! Gregory - Syracuse, NY (1/06)
Dear Alabu:Gave most of my last order away as gifts. Your discount coupon was great since I am on the last bar! My husband does admit less itch to his skin, so trying some others for him also. The next time some will be for me, I like a mild fragrance occasionally :) Yes, addicted to your soaps!! Love the lip balm also. Evelyn - Topton, PA (1/06)
Dear Alabu:We love your soap! We especially like the fact that it is all natural and does not dry your skin out. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in quality. It smells great too Maureen - Latham, NY (1/06)
Dear Alabu:Thanks for the newsletter. I also must say that I truly do appreciate the quality of your soap. I purchased some milk soap from a craft store and it burned my eyes. The people who made it probably didn't have their recipe down; the pH was probably off a bit. Anyway, no complaints on yours. It's a good, professionally made product. I'd say you guys know what you're doing. I don't have particularly sensitive skin; I just like naturally-made products and I hate Proctor and Gamble. I'll be ordering more soap soon, for my sister. James - Amela, NE (1/06)
Dear Alabu:Thank you and your wife so much. Nearly all the presents arrived on time, the other's only a few days late (my fault entirely, you saved me!) and everyone loved, loved loved them! A big success! Even when I am not sure soap is the right gift for someone, your products always prove me wrong! There isn't anyone yet who hasn't raved about their gift of Alabu products. Thank you for being organic and family run, local and WWW savvy, scented and unscented, long lasting without cluttering, pre-wrapped and affordable!!! You have been my first choice for gift giving for two years now, but after this Christmas I believe there is no person and no occasion I can not satisfy from your web site. Thank you Alabu!!! Alexandria - USNS Yokosuka, Japan (1/06)
Dear Alabu:I wanted to write Alabu once more. Not only have you made a huge difference in my daughter's life and clearing up her skin for the first time in her life, but my grandmother and her cousin also. They are both eighty years old and believe in washing dishes by hands. Both have always had problems with cracked and bleeding hands most of the winter. My grandmother always said her skin was so dry, so this year I gave her the Tea Tree Soap Bar for her kitchen and the Baby Me for her bathtub and her face for her birthday the beginning of this month. It is amazing, neither my grandmother or her cousin's hands bleed anymore. This is the first time in their life. And my grandmother loves the way her skin feels too! She has used Dove her whole life and it took a lot to get her to switch and now she loves it and says she's hooked. Thank you for allowing me to give them such great products. You guys are incredible people around here and we sincerely do not know what our family would do without you. WE LOVE ALABU! Many Thanks Forever... Laurie - New Baltimore, MI (1/06)
Dear Alabu:I usually scratch my skin until it bleeds every winter. Even using Dove facial soap for my shower does not work to prevent the itch. Since I started using your soap, I have not scratched at all this winter. Thank you so much! I am placing a second order so I do not run out! This is the best winter I have had in many, many years. Andrea - Rutland, VT (1/06)
Dear Alabu:You have EXCELLENT Soaps!! Far, far better than any commercial soaps!! My favorites are BabyMe and Myrrh. I have had problems with rosacea for the past 4 years (I am 52 & Male) and I find your soaps to be more effective than most topical prescription medications. My rosacea is now "under control" and I never have dry skin (which greatly aggravates rosacea). Thanks for an Excellent Product!! Keith - Seattle, WA (1/06)
Dear Alabu: I really like your soap I ordered it back in sept. I have very sensitive skin and allergies and have always had problems with skin care products but your soap however is wonderful and does not irritate my skin in the least. I do not remember how I found you on the internet but I am glad I did since your soap is the only one I have found thus far that does not irritate my skin. Thanx for making such a wonderful product and keep up the good work. Alicia - Santa Clara, CA (1/06)
Dear Alabu:Your product is simply the best. I was away on business and my husband started using another soap and all of his skin issues returned! Love your product....superior quality! Susan - Granger, IN (12/05)
Dear Alabu:Thank you for the great soap. My dry skin has stopped itching. In this cold Michigan weather, that is a first. And, I do not need to use the lotions. I have thrown out my Caswell Massey. Best regards. Nicholas and Draco - Saint Clair Shores, MI (11/05)
Dear Alabu:Just want to tell you how much I love your soap. I have extremely dry skin, and it cleans so well without stripping my skin dry. It feels and smells just GREAT. I am really enjoying it. I bought 4 bars and they are almost gone. Do you ever send coupons? Alabu note: Yes we send coupons. Just join our newsletter and you will receive our coupon offers. June - Chesterfield, MI (11/05)
Dear Alabu:I just want to tell everybody that ALABU works!!!!!! VERY FAST SHIPPING AS WELL!!!! Romana - Portland, OR (11/05)
Dear Alabu:I absolutely love your soaps and the Shea Butter lotion stick. My skin on my legs would appear cracked and dry no matter how much moisturizing lotion I would put on. I tried your Shea Butter lotion on my legs and the difference is just WOW!!! They do not have the cracked appearance and they are softer now. Plus with the soaps I have used on my body, my skin would itch immediately after I get out of the shower. Now with theses soaps it is smoother and my skin does not itch at all. I really want to think you for a wonderful product and know that you have a customer for as long as you keep making it. Michelle - Savannah, GA (11/05)
Dear Alabu:Our Family has enjoyed the soap you make for a while and now I am buying a bar for my First Granddaughter. She is just 5 days old and such a blessing. I am glad to use such a wonderful soap. Thank you again April - Claypool, IN (11/05)
Dear Alabu:Hello! I received my first order about a week ago. Like so many others, I too, want to praise these lovely products! I ordered the "baby soap" which was suggested for sensitive faces. I also ordered the Baby Face Oil (Squalane) having recently read an article on this product. WOW! I am THRILLED with both! Though the soap was purchased as a facial soap, within two days I had it in the shower with me, using it all over my body! Living in Florida, my skin is very tanned and tends toward dryness. This soap was very kind to my skin, providing a very soothing, moisturizing treat! And the oil. oh my! I could not believe it would be so light, and feel so good! I was afraid it would be greasy and possibly cause breakouts, but so far I am pleasantly surprised and pleased at the softness and lightness of this oil! I am a believer! And looking forward to ordering again! I am now anxious to try the Shea Butter Lotion Stick that so many have favorably reviewed! And the Lip Balm... and the scented soap.. and... : ) Thank you for a lovely product and excellent, speedy service! God Bless! Lynn - Panama City, FL (9/05)
Dear Alabu:VERY GOOD PRODUCT!!!!!!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!! Romaona - Portland, OR (9/05)
Dear Alabu:I am impressed with your selection of soaps. Your ordering process is fast and easy. Maureen - Reading, PA (9/05)
Dear Alabu:Commercial deodorant soaps seemed to dry my skin in the shower. I have been using the Alabu soap (Bay Rum scent) for the past nine months or so and really enjoy it in the my shower! I have used different facial (Clinique and Mary Kay) soaps for men for several years. I now use the Alabu unscented buttermilk facial soap. That is the finest facial soap I have ever used! No razor burn or ingrown whiskers and no facial dryness. (Facial skin does not feel "tight" after washing with Alabu.) Richard - Polo, IL (9/05)
Dear Alabu: I am delighted with your soap. It is a delight to use and the perfumes are wonderful. I can not believe how much better it is than the soaps I have used previously. I am totally committed from now on! Mary - Foxrock, Ireland (9/05)
Dear Alabu:You have a truly wonderful product. I have had problems with dry, itchy skin for months. After only a few days bathing with your soaps, my skin no longer itches, and feels so clean and soft. I will never return to soaps containing harsh chemicals. Thanks again! Pat - Prague, OK (9/05)
Dear Alabu:These are the best soaps I have ever used!!! I am a 52 Year Old Guy with (unfortunately) sensitive skin and most soaps dry my skin so much that it stays red. I have been using Alabu Soap for approx 6 months and my skin has returned to more redness!! Thanks for an Excellent Product!! Also Thanks for always sending Orders very quickly with EMail confirmations!! Keith - Seattle WA (9/05)
Dear Alabu:I am a return customer, and I love your products! I visited your shop last Christmas and bought stocking stuffers for the whole family. I am placing the first of what I think will be a few orders for this Christmas, as your soaps and lip balms got rave reviews! Keep up the good work and know that your hard work is appreciated Mare - Cohoes NY (9/05)
Dear Alabu:Thank you for including a Tea Tree bar. The Baby Me soap I ordered is for me. I find it helps my Seborrheic Dermatitis. Marie - Sterling Heights, MI (8/05)
Dear Alabu:Your soap is always 100% effective! Chris - Portland, OR (8/05)
Dear Alabu:Your soaps are the best! Thanks so much for your prompt service and fast shipping, too. To Japan! Nakada - Japan (8/05)
Dear Alabu:I just wanted to let you know that I have been searching for a soap that would not turn me into a itching and irritated mess. I think you have become my new best friend! My first order, some months ago, was a God send. I can not recommend your products enough. Thanks! Note: While we would not publish a customer's personal email address, we thought this follow up note was very nice --- "Certainly!! You can even post my email address for those skeptics who might not believe the quote. I'm pleased to help in any way." Nancy - Tully, NY (7/05)
Dear Alabu:It is such a pleasure that I found this web site accidentally. I was actually searching for some skin care, and I stumbled onto this site, then I tried their products and I honestly tell everybody that their products are really worth every penny. It works!!!!!! and Alabu has excellent service as well.... Chris - Portland, OR (7/05)
Dear Maryclaire:Our three oldest daughters love your peppermint soap. Actually they will use any scent of your soap as long as it is your goat milk soap. We look forward to trying your new Rich soap. Thank you for a quality product. April - Claypool, IN (6/05)
Dear Alabu:Lovely web site. Very user-friendly. Am unable to find Goats Milk Soap in England .. very impressed with the fact yours is 100% goats milk etc... I have never bought anything from the States before so I am looking forward to receiving my first US purchase. Thanks also for the free gifts - that was a nice touch! Lara - Coventry, England (6/05)
Dear Alabu:My name is Tomomi from Tokyo in Japan. It is your customer. Soap reached the post of my house a little while ago. It is full in feelings very glad. It immediately uses it at the time of the bath of tonight. It is the enjoyment. Thank you. Then, again. Tomomi - Tokyo, Japan (6/05)
Dear Alabu:My daughter-in-law introduced me to Alabu soap. Now I use it all the time. The soaps are very creamy and my skin feels thoroughly clean. I love the scent of the soaps, they are not over powering. Now I enjoy giving the gift baskets for birthdays to my family. They turned out to enjoy the soaps as much as I do. Theresa - Stillwater, MN (5/05)
Dear Alabu:Very well constructed site, good response times when flipping between shopping cart and continue shopping. Excellent navigation. Keep up the good work ! Look forward to giving your soap as gifts. Thomas - Buffalo, NY (5/05)
Dear Alabu:I loved the Honeysuckle soap and I ordered a bar of Orange Blossom for my Mom, she loved the scent. I just ordered a bar of Lavender for my little sister; she is very excited to try your soaps on her sensitive skin. I appreciate the quick and easy checkout and the free gift card and free soap dish, you guys are wonderful. Jennifer - Los Angeles, CA (4/05)
Dear Alabu:Besides being the BEST soap in the world, good ship mighty fast!!! Donna - Mandeville, LA (4/05)
Dear Alabu:I bought my first Alabu soaps at (I believe) the Gould Orchards Craft Fair in Schodack, NY. I have been looking for them ever since at every craft fair I attend. I have tried other hand made natural soaps but Alabu, by far, are the very best. I am allergic to 9 NINE different soaps and over the counter perfumed soaps.. Alabu's sandalwood is wonderful as I love to smell good but hate the reaction of lesser soaps. I also love not having dry skin!!! A friend of mine knew how much I love Alabu soaps and she did a silent aucti